The Melancholy of Resistance by László Krasznahorkai
I am so excited to read and analyze The Melancholy of Resistance by László Krasznahorkai with you for the month of October!
I’m thrilled to announce a brand new series coming to the Pens and Poison YouTube channel called Liza’s Book Club. Here at Pens and Poison, we love all things literature, but we also recognize that we all run busy lives and sometimes don’t find the time to read—myself included! I’m here to remedy that by introducing the new Liza’s Book Club series, where we’ll commit to reading just one book a month and analyzing it together. Each month, I’ll read a book with you, and we’ll analyze it and discuss it at the end of the month. I’m excited to also have the chance to answer your questions about each of the books at hand, so please email your questions about the books we’re reading to liza@pensandpoison.com. Happy reading!
July: Darkness at Noon By Arthur Koestler
August: Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser
September: The Adventures of Augie March by Saul Bellow
October: The Melancholy of Resistance by László Krasznahorkai
November: The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
December: Chess Story by Stefan Zweig
I am so excited to read and analyze The Melancholy of Resistance by László Krasznahorkai with you for the month of October!
“I am an American, Chicago born–Chicago, that somber city.” Finally a book that disses Chicago. Get excited for The Adventures of Augie March, our September book club pick!
For the month of August, we will be reading Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser, a monumental read that takes on the totalitarian Soviet state. Stay tuned for our study guide, coming shortly!
For the month of July, we will be reading Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler, a monumental read that takes on the totalitarian Soviet state. You can access our Darkness at Noon study guide on my blog and in PDF format.