Musical. the boisterous possibilities
echoed. solemn. bustling. bursting.
on écoute écoutez moi
les notes en dansant sur la page
tes yeux you focus now your eyes and fingers
dancing fortuitously the voices in your head you hear
the echoes les echoes mes echoes un echo
echoing the silence and the solipsistic wonder of your
melody the eyes fixated sur la partition the musical
coalition of an instrumental tune together tonal
atonal tonality of trumpets celui qui a composé
the piece of pedaled pastoral c’est pas
Lyrical. a song now without words
prolonged. barbituous. sedating. seething.
overflowing with a whimsy of a melody unsung
charcoaled tones over a spellbound score
qu’on a rassemblé à deux heures un petit peu
past midnight over moonlit pseudonyms
of cherished flames of candles candlewick are playing
dancing like the notes upon your keys
an orchestra of saccharine before the sentimental spoil
mes amours sont pas très graves
mais tu est tombé amoureux
and now the harmony harmonics near perfection
Fantastical. an erosion of camaraderie
substituted for artistical pursuits c’est
lovely anonymity inspired by my words et
mots paroles l’archi-écriture
a meaning of a music transformation into
mots mes mots mais regarde
regarding you on a beaucoup à dire
c’est parce-que tu es un homme un petit peu
bizarre but now regarding you on a
beaucoup you write composing compositions
feeling caressant mon âme tes yeux tes doigts
loving inspirational insane